Czech Republic, Prague - Charles Bridge

Our route


Czech Republic, Prague - map


Train Berlin to Prague - DB Trains (4 hours; 45,80 euro for 2 people)

Uber in Prague

Flixbus Prague to Wrocław (5 hours; 149 pln for 2 people)

Czech Republic, Prague - Steak tartare

Travel essentials

  • travel dates: 20-25 March 2022
  • accommodation: Atos Hotel*** (5 nights)
  • currency: Czech Koruna = CZK

Our favourites

Our favourite local food

Czech Republic, Prague - Pork Knuckle
Czech Republic, Prague - Ribs
Czech Republic, Prague - Pilsner Beer
Czech Republic, Prague - Smažený sýr
Czech Republic, Prague - Pork chop and potato salad
Czech Republic, Prague - Roast beef
Czech Republic, Prague - Lunch at Lokal Dlouhá
Czech Republic, Prague - Lunch at Lokal Dlouhá
Czech Republic, Prague - Roast beef
Czech Republic, Prague - Pilsner Beer
Czech Republic, Prague - Steak tartare
Czech Republic, Prague - Pilsner Beer
Czech Republic, Prague - Trdelník
Czech Republic, Prague - Pork chop and potato salad
Czech Republic, Prague - Roast beef
Czech Republic, Prague - Lunch at Lokal
Czech Republic, Prague - Steak tartare
Czech Republic, Prague - Pilsner Beer
Czech Republic, Prague - Tlačenka and beer
Czech Republic, Prague - Tlačenka
Czech Republic, Prague - Beef goulash with knedlik
Czech Republic, Prague - Pork chop
Czech Republic, Prague - Pilsner Beer
Czech Republic, Prague - Pilsner Beer
Czech Republic, Prague - Pilsner Beer

Czech Republic, Prague - Pork Knuckle
Czech Republic, Prague - Ribs
Czech Republic, Prague - Pilsner Beer
Czech Republic, Prague - Smažený sýr
Czech Republic, Prague - Pork chop and potato salad
Czech Republic, Prague - Roast beef
Czech Republic, Prague - Lunch at Lokal Dlouhá
Czech Republic, Prague - Lunch at Lokal Dlouhá
Czech Republic, Prague - Roast beef
Czech Republic, Prague - Pilsner Beer
Czech Republic, Prague - Steak tartare
Czech Republic, Prague - Pilsner Beer
Czech Republic, Prague - Trdelník
Czech Republic, Prague - Pork chop and potato salad
Czech Republic, Prague - Roast beef
Czech Republic, Prague - Lunch at Lokal
Czech Republic, Prague - Steak tartare
Czech Republic, Prague - Pilsner Beer
Czech Republic, Prague - Tlačenka and beer
Czech Republic, Prague - Tlačenka
Czech Republic, Prague - Beef goulash with knedlik
Czech Republic, Prague - Pork chop
Czech Republic, Prague - Pilsner Beer
Czech Republic, Prague - Pilsner Beer
Czech Republic, Prague - Pilsner Beer


Czech Republic, Prague - The ceremonial Changing of the Guard

Some prices

At the time of our travel:

100 Kc (Czech Koruna = CZK) = 4,09 Euro = 19,04 PLN

  • Uber ride from the train station to Atos Hotel*** - 108,80 CZK
  • tram ticket for 30 min - 30 CZK
  • boat ticket for Prague Venice - 340 CZK (including Charles Bridge Museum - 170 CZK)
  • ticket to Strahov Library - 150 CZK (+ extra 50 CZK for taking pictures)
  • Trdelnik with chocolate - 90 CZK
  • Pilsner beer - big 68 CZK; small 48 CZK
  • shoot of Becherovka - 60 CZK
  • coffee - 55 CZK
  • lunch for 2 people with drinks in "U Bile kuzelky" - 592 CZK
  • dinner for 2 people with drinks in "Kolkovna Olympia" - 493 CZK
  • lunch for 2 people with drinks in "Lokál Dlouhááá" - 644 CZK
  • Alfons Mucha exhibition in in Municipal House - 290 CZK
  • The World of Banksy exhibition - ticket for 2 people - 690 CZK
  • Uber ride from Atos Hotel*** to Bus Station - 164,78 CZK
  • accomodation in Atos Hotel*** for 2 people; 5 nights including breakfast - 183 euro

Still to do